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Rejuvelac Lemonade

Connie Taylor


  • 2 C wheat or rye berries
  • non-chlorinated water for soaking and rinsing
  • 2 quarts non-chlorinated water for fermenting
  • 4 lemons
  • honey maple syrup, agave or other natural sweetener to taste


  • Rinse the berries very well.
  • Place in a jar with 2 quarts non-chlorinated water to soak 8 to 10 hours.
  • Drain and rinse the berries well.
  • Place the jar with the berries, tilted on it's side at an angle to sprout for two days.
  • Rinse the berries and drain twice a day while sprouting.
  • After the berries have sprouted, rinse well and drain.
  • Cover with 2 quarts of fresh, non-chlorinated water to ferment.
  • Place a cloth or coffee filter on top of the jar and affix with a rubber band.
  • Allow the berries to ferment for 2 days.
  • Pour off the liquid and store in a container in the refrigerator until ready to drink.
  • A second, third and possible fourth batch may be made with the sprouted berries.
  • Simply fill the jar with fresh water and ferment for one day for each batch.
  • To make lemonade, add the freshly squeezed juice of 4 lemons per two quarts of rejuvelac and sweeten with your choice of natural sweetener to taste.


Recipe by: Connie Tayor @Happybellyfoodie.com - adapted from Ann Wigmore's original recipe