This Ginger Pear Salad is something you can have for a healthy snack or a side dish for your dinner.
Sliced pears with fresh ginger, right out of your own garden and a surprise spice that will make you go, “Wait. What did she put on that?!?!”
Ahhhh fresh pears! “Sweet, juicy, soft on your tongue, grainy like a sugary sand that dissolves in your mouth.” – Maggie, City of Angels
I love that line! And that movie!
It is so pleasing it is to have my very own fresh supply of ginger. It’s so easy to do!
You can buy fresh ginger roots from the produce section of the grocery store. Then stick them in a pot with fresh dirt. Lay them in sideways with any of the nubby things sticking upwards. Give them some water (don’t over-water, just get the dirt wet) and in a few days you’ll see sprouts.
In a few weeks, you’ll have these pretty plants.
The stalks do get a little nasty looking but don’t worry. You can cut them off and eat them before they do go to funk town. Just chop them up like you would a chive. They’re a little tough on the root end but the middle part is tender, and it tastes just like the ginger root but milder.
After the stalks fall over or you cut them off, you’ll get new sprouts. Cute, huh? Say hello to my little turtle.
What’s really great is the fact that down under, you’ll get more roots. They multiply like rabbits! Okay, maybe not that fast but they do give you more as time goes by.
So, whenever you need some fresh ginger, just pluck a piece out and put back what you don’t use.
Oh, about the dish.. hee hee. I get all excited and go on about growing things and getting free food. You can tell, I know.
It’s so basic. Just slice the pears, sprinkle some Chinese Five Spice Blend on and top with some fresh minced ginger.
Now, I know what you’re probably thinking…. That sounds crazy weird, right? No. It’s absolutely, surprisingly delicious! It’s so unexpected that these things would be so good together.
Here’s just a few things fresh ginger is good for:
Arthritis, Nausea, Motion Sickness, Migraines, Headaches, Morning Sickness, Cholesterol, Heartburn, Hangovers, Obesity…. I could keep going on and on.. 🙂 Or you can just check out Web MD’s info.
Till next time ~ much love, Connie

Ginger Pear Salad
- Fresh sliced pears
- Chinese Five Spice
- Fresh minced ginger
- Sprinkle the spice on top of the pear slices and top with the fresh ginger
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