Are you skipping certain dishes for Thanksgiving? There’s no need to do without your favs at the dinner table. Cauliflower Stuffing Sensation is perfect for just about any dietary needs. The seasonings are the key to beautiful flavor. This roasted cauliflower, all dressed up is the perfect alternative to stuffing. It’s got all the melodies…
Glazed Pear Salad
These pears don’t need much fussing over because they’re quite sweet on their own. A little touch of this and that will do. Glazed Pear Salad is elegant and simple to make. If you’ve passed the produce section and noticed all the sweet, juicy pears available, I’m sure you’ve picked up a few. Who could resist?…
Ginger Spiced Carrot Slaw
We may not have rainbows here in Kentucky this time of year but… wait! Or do we? Of course we do! You just gotta know where to look. How bout a ginger spiced carrot slaw, for a rainbow? Ever seen rainbow carrots before? You have now. 😉 These guys might look a little strange at…
Spinach Salad with Hot Bacon Dressing
Who doesn’t love a beautiful spinach salad? And bacon? Right 😉 Spinach salad with hot bacon dressing is fabulous! I can honestly say, that I crave this salad. Like out of the blue, the thought comes in and there I am, cooking up some bacon and boiling some eggs. There’s just something so special about…
Ruby Red Grapefruit Salad
This Ruby Red Grapefruit Salad is a delight for the senses. Boasting a big Vitamin C kick and healthy enzymes to boot, this simple dish is perfect for the season. Yep, here in Kentucky, it’s time for those big, juicy, delicious ruby red grapefruits to come up from the south and greet your salad plate….
Gluten Free Cranberry Orange Bread
Gluten Free Cranberry Orange Bread How do you feel friends? That. Is the question. Should you go gluten-free or no? With the explosion of gluten free products on the market today, you may have asked yourself, “Should I go gluten free? Or not?” Let’s dig a little deeper and find some answers so that we…