Homemade sour cream is so much better than store bought.
Two ingredients, a simple stir and a little time is all it takes to have your very own thick, creamy sour cream with just the right amount of tang. I absolutely love making this!
*rubbing hands together greedily* “Look out baked potato, here I come!”
It’s like a little dream in a jar when it’s sitting on the counter. Busy as you may be, scrambling to make dinner or running your crew here and there, you’ll thank yourself for the two seconds you spared to put it together.
All silliness aside; you’ll want to keep your jar in a good warm corner of the kitchen for the first 24 hours. At the very least, a temp of 70 degrees F is necessary for the cultures in the buttermilk and cream to get all friendly with each other and produce the magic tanginess of your soon-to-be sour cream dream.
Now that the warmer months have arrived, it’s not really a problem to find a warm spot to put it but in the cooler months or when you’ve got your AC cranked you can put it in the microwave or an unheated oven and it’ll be fine.
Btw, I have had a few flops while making this because of certain factors I didn’t take into account. So here’s a few of pointers to keep in mind:
* Make sure you buy “cultured” buttermilk. – Now, I realize that the stuff you buy in the store isn’t really buttermilk (if you want to get all specific about it, it’s milk that has been pasteurized and homogenized and inoculated with the cultures) but we don’t live on a farm and churn butter everyday nor do we let our milk sit around and go sour. We need those cultures.
* Buy the full fat or whole milk version of buttermilk to keep your sour cream from turning out watery. (Did you know they use thickeners and fillers for manufactured sour cream, especially the low-fat versions? Diet stuff my booty! Ick!!)
* Go ahead and get a good organic brand of buttermilk to avoid additives you don’t really want. (Some brands actually put yellow flecks of who-knows-what in their buttermilk to imitate the real stuff! Gross!)
So there it is foodie folks, the big reveal on how not to be a shameel or shamozzle while making your dreamy homemade sour cream.
Next time you plan on having some big ol’ baked taters or some tacos that call for a dollop, skip over the daisies and delight yourself with this easy to make recipe. Till next time ~ much love, Connie

Homemade Sour Cream ~ Two Ingredients
- 1 Pint organic heavy whipping cream
- 3 tbsp organic cultured buttermilk
- Combine the cream and buttermilk in a jar. Cover the jar with a light cloth or coffee filter and secure with canning jar band.
- Leave in a warm, draft-free place for 24 hours.
- Stir the mixture and place in the fridge.
- Use within 5-7 days.
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